Andrew (Andy) Goodhart

Andrew (Andy) Goodhart

Andrew (Andy) Goodhart is a PhD candidate in Political Science at Ohio State University and previously held fellowships with George Washington University’s Institute for Security and Conflict Studies and Johns Hopkins University’s Henry Kissinger Center for Global Affairs.

Andy’s research focuses on international order, societal mobilization, and the impact of transnational advocacy on foreign policy. His first book project uses natural language processing to explore how powerful states have built legitimacy for their leading role in the international system. He finds that these states face a strategic trade-off in choosing between ideological and performance based justifications. Ideological appeals are useful because they mobilize a state’s domestic public, but they also associated with fighting more wars.

Andy previously served as a Defense Strategist in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. In that role, he focused on international order, great power competition, and "gray zone" conflict. He is a native of Ohio.


Haoming Xiong


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